Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Final Exam

4. Transformative photo
I think that this photograph that I took at Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk in late January is my transformative photo of the school year. It has definitely changed the way that I think about photography and it has also broadened my knowledge on what a camera can do. This photo showed me that photography can create a three-dimensional image on a two-dimensional canvas. When I took this picture, the boardwalk in the background combined with all the sand on the beach really gave this image a sense of depth and feeling. After taking this on my iPhone, I think of photography now as something that can be both beautiful and unchanging at the same time. 

5. The difference between shape and form is that shape is based on flat, closed lines while form is an expression of shape that can have depth to it. Both shape and form can exude length and width, but only form can have dimension. Shapes can be both free-form and natural form, depending on the lines of the object. Form can also have these elements, but it also includes a three-dimensional feel to the shape. For example, a circle is a shape. On the other hand, a sphere is a form that has the three-dimensional shape of a circle. 

6. Pattern is defined as the repeating of an object or symbol all of the work of art. Likewise, repetition is defined as something that works with pattern to make the work of art seem active. The difference between these two similar elements is that pattern is an object that repeats itself. On the other hand, repetition refers to the repetition of an element of art and not the repetition of a physical entity. When these two art forms are combined together, the photograph will seem more active and alive.The repetition of artistic elements in an image creates unity when combined with patterns of objects or symbols. 

    Project #2
    Project #3

I think that project #1, the first commercial shoot, included my best works out of all the three projects. I think this is my best work because I really got to play around with film filters and experiment with new ways to take pictures. The results I got exceeded my expectations and the photographs ultimately became my best project works. The way this project changed me was that it helped me realize that certain objects can be placed in front of a camera in a way that it enhances the overall image. After shooting for this project, I learned to see photographs in a way that the original image can be altered, but it still contains the essential qualities of the original image. 

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