Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Masters of Photography - Julia Margaret Cameron

Julia Margaret Cameron was born in 1815 but didn't start photography until the age of 48. She was born in a British colony located in India. Her career spanned eleven years from 1865-1875. Cameron was well known for her portraits of famous celebrities as well as photographs with a legendary or heroic theme. Her work is unique because of the sharp contrast of black and white in her photos. Also, her photographs were slightly blurred to give a sense of depth and create an even sad feeling. I chose this photographer because I greatly admire her work and find lots of meaning in her photographs. Cameron inspired me to take pictures where people don't look directly in the camera and then filter the picture to look somewhat sad.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Second Portrait

Bell Tower
Melissa C. and Bryan F.
Increased the temperature and adjusted the saturation slightly in camera raw.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Friday, September 26, 2014

Third Photo Assignment, My Third Rule

Third Rule: Background
Sometimes, a simple background is the best. If the background is busy, then it doesn't add anything to the composition. 

Three Rules of Composition:
1. Rule of Thirds
2. Viewpoint
3. Background

Second Photo Assignment, My Second Rule

Second Rule: Viewpoint
Viewpoint can dramatically change the mood of a photograph.Combined with perspective, viewpoint can also change the viewer’s perception of an object’s size.